Tuesday 26 March 2013


EASTER  is all about the Resurrection !
JESUS  died on the cross to atone for our sins.
HE who was without sin took our sins
on Himself ~ to make us righteous before GOD.

When JESUS was lifted down from the cross
He was physically dead ~ and He was sealed in the tomb.
The tomb  was guarded by Roman Soldiers so there is no way
the unarmed Disciples could have removed the body.
Also there is no way Jesus could have revived physically.

When the Ladies and the Disciples came to the tomb
it was empty and there was an Angel who informed them 
that Jesus had indeed actually risen from the dead. 
Because JESUS has risen from the dead and ascended 
back into Heaven ~ He is still alive today and is our
Mediator and Representative in Heaven, 

His sinless life ~ His atoning death ~ His resurrection
and His ascension back into Heaven prove He is Divine
and that He is indeed the Person He claimed to be
Jesus Christ the Messiah ~ The Son of God
The Second Person of the Trinity and Saviour of the World.
This is the message of Easter to the whole World.

Thanks for visiting ~ have a Blessed Easter ~ Baby Panda XOX     


  1. Amen! Beautiful post! xo and love

  2. Thanks ANGEL Easter is always a time of JOY and Spiritual renewal.May GOD bless you all real good ~ PANDITO XOX
