Tuesday 19 March 2013


BEAUTIFUL and natural
COMBINES nature with nature
DARING  to love openly
EVERY  kiss and hug are
FULLY  visible to anyone
GOING  past and  also
HEARING  our sweet nothings !
I DON'T CARE  and then I
JOKE  with Crystal Moon ~ I
KNOW  she doesn't either. she
LOOKS  so young so innocent she
MAKES passers by stop and 
NOTICE  how perfect and
OPALESCENT  her skin is and how
PERFECT her features are - like a 
QUEEN  lighting up the ground she
RECLINES  on. She is so so
SWEET  and lovely. So I
TAKE  her in my arms and
UNDERSTAND  why passers by are
VERY  interested in stopping and 
WATCHING US with an 
X-RAY intensity viewing her
YOUTHFULNESS  with an undisguised  
ZEAL. Crystal is too too beautiful for words !

Dedicated to the lovely CRYSTAL MOON

posted by BABY PANDA on 19 March 2013    

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