Friday 5 April 2013


Like all ladies she likes to gratify us with colours
Blue Green Yellow Orange Red and even Violet
Scientists (who sometimes lose their sense of wonder)
Give us explanations in terms of the atmosphere and the 
Moons position relative to the Earth ~ Pollution and the
Seasonal tilt of the earth relative to the Moon !

Those of us who know better and have studied the emotional
Influence of the Moon know the effect whatever the cause !
RED MOON is the Harvest Moon and evokes urges of the
Desire for love and fertility. The  BLUE MOON is the opposite
And lowers our libido and makes us melancholy The GREEN 
MOON is very very beautiful and makes us think again of our
Fertility and our desire to procreate. I love GREEN MOON ! 

YELLOW / ORANGE MOON evoke Joy the "Joy of Living
and the ultimate Joy the "Joy of Sex" !  This brings us to the last.
The elusive PURPLE MOON.  Many have never ever seen this.

 I only saw it once Long ago in a tryst with CRYSTAL MOON
By the light of the of the PURPLE MOON all our senses are
Enhanced and our libidos raised to boiling point. PURPLE MOON
is what all lovers dream of ~ perfect influence for perfect LOVE
SISTER MOON I love you in your virginal white and all the colours
of your rainbow palette. Tonight is precious ~ please be PURPLE !

Thank you for visiting ~ Please comment ~ LOL PANDITO


  1. Beautiful, simply beautiful. I have seen yellow, orange, white and crystal clear moon, but I have never seen it green or blue. Must be mesmerizing. Lovely post from a lovely author. :) xo and love

  2. Thanks CRYSTAL ~ You are my MOON PRINCESS and whenever I look at the MOON I think of you and all the love you pour out on me 24/7 ! Love you as long as the MOON shines which is forever and a day !

    Eternal Love ~ BRIAN ~ XOX
