Tuesday 15 January 2013


MODERN TECHNOLOGY  enables us to see 
Planet Earth with it Moon from outer space !
Two things are immediately apparent.
The moon is huge about 17% volume of Earth
and it is also very close to the Earth 250,000 miles.
The Astronauts also recognised the Earth is a Living
Planet whereas the Moon appears to be barren & dead.
For a planet to have a satellite that big and that close
is very very uncommon and a living planet is unique.

I'm member of SETI  (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
which has been actively searching the Universe for Intelligent Life
for over 50 years we are looking for other Earth-like planets.
Planet Earth has an abundance of liquid water - and an 
average temperature of 15C - fertile soil and a atmosphere
containing 20% oxygen and 0.04% carbon dioxide together
with complex natural cycles for Nitrogen - Carbon - Oxygen
and other key elements for the support of living systems.
Additionally when I look through my microscope and telescope
I don't see chaos I see beauty - purpose - order and design 
For me there is more evidence to support Creation than Evolution !

I support and teach Environmental Conservation & Protection
and I believe each individual ~ by being more green ~ can make 
a big difference at local and global level. God created a wonderful
World ~ He gave the Human Race responsibility for it !

Are you being environmentally responsible ?

BABY PANDA ~ FOR CRYSTAL MOON ~ 15 January ~ 2013


  1. Wow, such a wonderful post and i am happy to be back with you and your informative posts, i learn so much from you, always. Yes, I am environmentally responsible, I guess. Thank you for sharing and for the amazing visuals. xo and lots of love

  2. lOVELY COMMENT CRYSTAL ~ It makes writing such a poem worthwhile. Your pen name (which I adore) has inspired me to write MOON POEMS a favourite theme of mine ! Keep recycling you know it makes sense. When we get to Paradise the first thing GOD will ask us is "Did you take care of my perfect PLANET and its perfect MOON !" LOL BABY PANDA XOX
