Sunday 20 January 2013



YESTERDAY ~ Our Bridge was drab
and Oh so grey
Oh I remember yesterday !

But now the snow
has come to stay
all the drabness swept away
Oh I remember yesterday !

Why it had to snow
I don't know ~ it came to stay
in the night ~ sparkling white
no longer drab and grey
Oh I remember yesterday !

This ~ our Bridge of Love
was drab an' grey like a turtle dove
but now the snow has come 
like a white fur glove
Our Bridge of Love ~ no longer grey
Oh I remember YESTERDAY !

Thanks for reading ~ the poem was inspired by a perfect photo of
OUR BRIDGE from my Girl friend ~ KATANIME ~ LOL ~  BABY PANDA

POSTED ~ 20 January ~ 2013    


  1. So happy you like the photo this much, I also think it is a beautiful one....your poem is even more so... I love snow, love the purity, the view, the sound as we walk on it and sink deep into it...ahh, and the scent. Snow has a very delicate clean that it almost tickles your nostrils and cuts a tiny hole in you and pours into you the wonder of pure innocence. xo ♡

  2. WOW CRYSTAL ~ I love your comment so so poetic and romantic. Walking with you in the Snow at Ballaton is one of my most precious memories. Yes it did pour into our hearts and join us us forever as one ! Thanks for the picture ~ it touched my memory and spawned a poem ! I will always remember Yesterday ! LOL Baby Panda XOX
